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Members: 132   |    Launched: January 2023    |    Price: $22-$297

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Who the community is for and why they gather

Click it Up a Notch teaches women how to stop feeling frustrated with their camera and magically capture those everyday moments that we want to remember.

Recent community win

I'm currently running a paid photography course with the community as part of it. Getting people to participate in courses by completely assignments can be a challenge but nearly half my students participated in the first round of assignments with in the Challenge section. Plus, they commented on each others images, encouraging each other and giving feedback.

Top tip for other heroes

Create a Welcome Challenge where you give them several things to do as soon as they join. One could be creating an introduction post, then asking them to comment on at least two other members intro post. Ask them to set up their profile and adjust their notification. Creating this onboarding as a challenge is a great way to get them diving into and being active in the community right off the bat.

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